I realize I haven´t written a blog in a while and it's actually not my fault. I wrote a blog for part of my job and submitted it to the site (
mykro.org) but it hasn't been published. Since we are not supposed to "double dip" our blog posts there, I was going to provide a link on this blog. Anyways, in this post I will describe the job that I do here and supply you guys with a couple of pictures.
I am interning with
Esperanza International, a HOPE International partner, and my job is to work closely with an organization called
Kiva. Kiva is a site that raises funds through donations from people all over the world. I travel around with the Esperanza loan officers and take pictures of the loan-groups as well as interview the group leaders and put their stories on Kiva.
A typical day is like this (actually every day is really different, but this is at least the amount of time each thing takes):
*6:30am get up, breakfast (cornflakes, banana, OJ, everyday)
*7:30amish travel somewhere to go to meetings with a loan officer
*8:00ish arrive where I need to be
*8:30 the loan officer arrives where I need to be (sometimes I wait 15 minutes, sometimes I wait an hour...but it really doesn't bother me, I just go with the flow of things)
*9:00 get to meeting, do interview(s) of clients and take pictures
*10-12 go to other meetings and do the same
*12pm return to office, start on the next day's schedule
*1pm lunch
*2pm-5:30pm work on the next day's schedule, post stories, journals, and pictures collected throughout the day to the website. Also I sometimes do typical "intern" things like printing receipts and data entry.
*5:30-6:30 go to the gym that is a few blocks from the office (40 pesos to work out...thats like $1.10, this is actually the "glass half full" typical day, I dont go to the gym as much as I should, I usually just work out at our apartment)
*6:30-8:30 go to the apt, shower, start making dinner, eat dinner
*8:30-10:30 "read" in my room. I usually fall asleep for a half an hour in an awkward position before I wake up, turn the light off, and go to bed for good.
Here is a typical weekend:
*Friday night usually just chilling at the apartment. The dude I live with works late a lot of times, and I am usually content resting up for the next couple of days.
*Saturday I usually go to the beach and there are sometimes a random assortment of other intern-type workers who are able to go too. It is nice that there is a good beach 5 minutes away, and two other great ones within 45 minutes and 35 pesos (about a dollar)
*Saturday evening- there is a group of people my age from the church I've been going to that I hope to get involved in...I actually haven't gone yet... (apparently "jovenes" in the DR means late high school/college aged people, while in Ecuador it meant late high school until you are like 30)
*Sunday: sometimes beach, sometimes just chilling. 6pm= church

That is a normal week. I've only been here about 5 weeks and still hope to do a lot more and develop relationships here. Your prayers are greatly appreciated. The added pictures are a couple recent shots taken at loan meetings (Schooler if you're reading this, the puppy pic is for you).
If you guys don´t have Spring Break plans and want a free place to stay in the Caribbean that is 5 minutes from an awesome beach, come and visit me. Seriously.
I will leave you with a passage from the Bible that has meant a lot to me recently:
1 Peter 5:6-11