Some highlights for the rest of my time here are:
-This month I am going to visit the kid I have sponsored through Compassion International for the last several years. I'm pretty pumped about it and it should give me a new perspective on the sponsorship.
-The end of April I will be serving as a translator on the US Navy's medical mission boat Comfort for a couple of and am pretty pumped. I will be spending the night there and I'm really excited. I'll probably post something about that after it happens. The ship in the picture is the Comfort.

Random Story time:
-An elderly Haitian woman slapped me in the face a while back. I had just taken a picture of her microfinance group and she walks up to me, looks at the picture, and then slaps me right in the face. It turns out there was a mosquito biting me, so I was grateful, or at least tried to seem grateful.
-Last week at church there was a high school from Florida group doing missions down here on their Spring Break. One guy from the trip recognized me and said he met me while visiting Taylor last fall (he stayed with Schooler). What a small world...
Some things I would appreciate prayer for here in DR:
-That I could continue to develop relationships here in the DR in my remaining weeks.
-That I would continue to progress in Spanish
-That I could be a light and a spiritual
Prayer for my life when I get back:
-That I would be led to a job that will help me get good experience in a field I am interested in
Something I'm learning here:
In my job here, I have been blessed to interview some of our associates all of whom are really poor. I am always reminded of their worth in God's eyes even though this world may look down on them. Hearing about their faith and joy in Christ is an encouragement and humbling. This verse is something I'm reminded of constantly:
James 2:5
Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?
Slapped in the face, huh? Great story! Hope you're doing well...
can I slap you in the face? please?
Neil if you can reach me from where you are I give you permission. just be gentle...
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