Monday, December 17, 2007

LIKES DISLIKES and Christmas Plans

Likes (stuff that I will miss):

-Other cultures

-Speaking Spanish

-People here (Specifically my family and other random people)

-Ecuadorian food (I like rice)

-Having a maid to make my bed (but not unplugging my lamp and phone charger every time she does it. At least I wont need my phone charger any more)

Dislikes (stuff I won’t miss):

-Rude people (people cutting in lines, people letting their babies scream their heads off IN CHURCH, people who let their phones ring in church…etc)

-No place ever having change for a bill bigger than a 10 (and many times a 5). STUPID

-Car noise/pollution

-Greeting guestures like the kiss on the cheek

-People who recognize that I am a foreigner and try to speak English to me but I have no idea what they are saying and the transaction takes 20 times longer

-You have to pay for water at restaurants and I have seen zero drinking fountains in this entire country.

Looking forward to:

-Free nights and weekends

-Friends and fam

-having a car

-College life

Christmas break Plans

First I get home next Saturday night the 22nd, then Halloran family Christmas on Sunday, leave Christmas day to spend time with the fam in Texas, then fly back New Years Day then go to TU that Wednesday for J-term.

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