Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Back in the USSA.....or USA
Some thoughts that I have been chewing on:
You reading this may be a fan of the super "popular" and "relevant" preacher Rob Bell. It was brought to my attention that Rob has a lot of criticism, and since I liked Rob I decided to investigate.
I came across sites like: ROB BELL SAYS GOD HAS ALREADY MADE PEACE WITH ALL MEN, a video by my boys at Way of the Master (who are all about the Bible) made Bull Horn Rebuttal, Rob "Oprah" Bell, just to name a few.
(The "Oprah" link says this is Rob Bell's theology:
"God is love. He is not angry. Don’t feel guilty. Don’t feel shame. Just love {OPRAH}. God loves you just the way you are {MR. ROGERS}. Feel good about yourself. Love wins. All we need is love {JOHN LENNON}. Celebrate God’s love. Don’t turn from your sin. Everybody is already reconciled to God. Just breathe it in.”)
I side with those articles that Bell is wrong but I am not going to talk about that. I am going to talk about how the salvation message is not a salvation message without "Fire and Brimstone" or as some people say "Condemnation" because they say that it is not loving.
Let me not only disagree but also prove it is the only way of true love.
The law (10 Commandments) are essential for the salvation message. Telling people that "God has a great plan for you and wants to transform your life" is 100% true, but an offer people can pass up without any consequences. People can already feel like their life is going good the way it is.
It is essential to let people know they are dead in their sins and that we are all liars and sinners at heart that will have to face a wrath filled God on judgment day. Some people say that God isn't like that because God is love. But a wrath filled God can be loving too. You can love your friend and hate it when someone slits the tires on your car. That doesn't make you not exist or not be loving.
People need to know that without repenting and trusting in Jesus (not saying one prayer and doing nothing) is the only way to enter heaven. Telling them that "God is love" without the Law and eternal damnation doesn't make sense, and the law not only shows us our sins (Romans 7:7) but shows us how truly loving God is by saving us!
The free gift of salvation is the biggest way God shows His love! Romans 5:8 says, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." If someone said "Billy died for you" you would be like "You are crazy that doesn't make sense." If someone said that Billy died for you by taking a bullet for you while you were napping, that would make a lot more sense and show love.
Its like a doctor telling you he has found the cure for you and not what needs to be cured. You don't know that you have a terrible disease that will kill you in a week if you don't take the remedy.
That may be "loving", but here's a better way, the REAL WAY.
You first need to know you have a horrible disease (sin Romans 6:23 and are bound for hell without forgiveness) and then you will hear about a cure and joyfully accept it because you know the TRUTH about the horrible future you will face.
I take a lot of my analogies from Ray Comfort and he pipes in about not using the law in evangelism,
"He [the doctor] didn’t like the feeling he got when the needle brought them pain, so his discarded it in the name of love. When his patients began to die of an agonizing disease, his professed love was seen for what it was---a terrible betrayal.
Millions of unconverted church-goers sit in pews with a Bible on their lap, asleep in their sins within earshot of the pulpit.
Listen to these sobering words of warning from J. C. Ryle: “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God, but never so fearful as when men fall from under the Gospel. The saddest road to Hell is that which runs under the pulpit, past the Bible, and through the midst of warnings and invitations.” How much more sad is it when there is no warning given . . ."
Read your Bibles and don't mess with false prophets.
I hope someone caught that Beatles reference in the title. I don't know how lucky I am.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Atheist Christian Debate/Fake Christians
Go to and you can download a Christian Atheist Debate. It’s pretty cool. Both sides have good points (only one side has truth and the other has faulty arguments) but I hope you guys listen to it, I enjoyed it.
Here are my thoughts:
The atheist said that he was a “born-again Christian” and “filled with the Holy Spirit” but then realized it was all fake.
2ndly I believe he was a “false convert”, someone who thinks they are a Christian, but in the end God will say “'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!” (Matthew 7:23) because they never REPENTED and put their trust in Jesus Christ, two biblical ways to be saved. Then the Holy Spirit will come and be a seal of salvation (Ephesians 1:13).
“Asking Jesus into your heart” will never save anybody without repentance and trusting Jesus. It will just deceive people to think they are Christians. I honestly think that was me up until age 18. I liked worldly stuff a heck of a lot more than God, baseball, movies, TV, and stuff that doesn’t last. Those in and of themselves are not necessarily bad, but when they are in the place of God they are. I also was positive that I would go to heaven. So sad that Matthew 7:22-23 is true, “Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'
Now the Holy Spirit has made me run from sin and pursue God with a willing heart, not a heart that just read the bible to “be a good Christian”.
This is soooo important! And there is joy in it too!
LIKES DISLIKES and Christmas Plans
Likes (stuff that I will miss):
-Other cultures
-Speaking Spanish
-People here (Specifically my family and other random people)
-Ecuadorian food (I like rice)
-Having a maid to make my bed (but not unplugging my lamp and phone charger every time she does it. At least I wont need my phone charger any more)
Dislikes (stuff I won’t miss):
-Rude people (people cutting in lines, people letting their babies scream their heads off IN CHURCH, people who let their phones ring in church…etc)
-No place ever having change for a bill bigger than a 10 (and many times a 5). STUPID
-Car noise/pollution
-Greeting guestures like the kiss on the cheek
-People who recognize that I am a foreigner and try to speak English to me but I have no idea what they are saying and the transaction takes 20 times longer
-You have to pay for water at restaurants and I have seen zero drinking fountains in this entire country.
Looking forward to:
-Free nights and weekends
-Friends and fam
-having a car
-College life
Christmas break Plans
First I get home next Saturday night the 22nd, then Halloran family Christmas on Sunday, leave Christmas day to spend time with the fam in Texas, then fly back New Years Day then go to TU that Wednesday for J-term.
Firsts in Ecuador
Funny story: I had to go to the bathroom on the bus but the bathroom in the back was locked, so I kindly asked the bus dude to open it for me, but he mumbled “come this way…it will be easier” and the bus stopped just for me to pee. And the whole bus watched. Later
2. First time a
3. First time I got stung by a jellyfish. Actually, a long tentacle from a dead jelly fish wrapped around both of my ankles.
4. First time I spent “finals week” on the beach. In
6. First time I showed up to church more than an hour late (other than a daylight savings time day).
7. First time my family has brought “Lucas” over, another wiener dog with the sole purpose of making babies with one of the other dogs.
8. First time I lost my cell phone. Luckilly it was only the cheap one
9. Been in a car accident. Actually within 7 days I had ironically been in THREE!!!!!! Van or bus accidents. Nobody was ever hurt. Pictured is the bus accident.

Dogs and Goodbyes

2 Weekends ago the TU students and I went to Yungilla for a weekend full of hiking, reading, relaxing, and puzzles. It was pretty chill.
Some funny stories from this weekend (all involving Godark the huge dog who is pictured)
1. When we went hiking, Godark started fighting with a large bull, and could have easily gotten gored. It was awesome
2. My Ecuadorian cousin told me that Godark eats a lot of chickens (ours and neighbors) and people want him to be put down. So he was fed poison to kill him, but the poison didn’t do anything. To him. The little white dog with 3 puppies named Muñeca (or Dolly in English, who’s dirty brother always tries to make puppies with my two dogs) ate some of the poisoned food and died.
Tomorrow we leave for the beach for 3 days before our last week.
My last week will include
-2 “finals” that will be super easy (one of which we already have a question bank for)
-Goodbye dinner with our families
-Many sad goodbyes (already had one at my work that was sad)
Proverbs 18:10
The name of the LORD is a strong tower;
the righteous run to it and are safe.
Monday, December 3, 2007
In response to Josiah’s post
I think I have a bad habit of writing stuff that isn’t exactly what I want to say…and that last post was sort of that way.
First of all, I enjoyed your rebuttal Josiah and took some interesting things from it. I know my views are sort of radical but I think I have a basis for that.
I wasn’t out to say that all art forms like movies, TV and such are bad and from the devil.
A good sum up of what I meant and wanted to say is as follows:
As a Christian, our focus should be on Christ (Colossians 3:2 “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things), and I think that at least for myself (and its gotta be sort of true for everybody because we are human and all created similarly and struggle with the same things) a lot of times media can “choke” out my potential in Christ and relationship with Christ, as it (desires and pleasures of the world) says it can do in Luke 8.
If things of the world like media can hinder us in our call to 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind' by fixing our eyes on earthly things, then I don’t think its good.
Our excitement and treasure should be in Christ.
I say a lot of this because I think at one time in my life I idolized movies and TV and such and it choked out my desire for God. Something that bothered me while being a PA and Small Group leader last year was seeing people spend literally all day in front of movie after movie, but “would not have enough time” for small group or chapel…cool priorities.
Another place I get some beliefs is from Ray Comforts book “Hollywood be Thy Name”, which talks about the twisted minds and anti-Christian/God agendas of many in Hollywood, which bring up to mind Psalm 1 again (Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners …).
Some good points Josiah made:
-the Holy Spirit can speak through some things other than the Bible (very true, but it can be harder to tell when it’s the Holy Spirit or just great cinematography, but still very true)
-Jesus talked in parables and they teach us (and they are awesome. My fave author uses a lot of ‘parable’ type stories to make points. Great point JoHat.)
-The fact that Paul used culture (he quoted some dude), he did it as a chance to share the gospel. That should be our motivation.
My response for “If we confine God to simply the Bible, we partly reject the Holy Spirit's ability to speak to us in other various forms”…
It is true that God can speak to us through anything. God can teach you through media (#1 because He is God and can do whatever He wants; memorable God-teaching me experiences come from Narnia, Evan Almighty, and Facing the Giants, all of which are sort of Christian…but whatever), he can teach you through whatever he wants and doesn’t necessarily mean that we should be seeking it out (ejemplo: God can teach us through our sin, but we definitely shouldn’t be seeking out sin). And since he can do anything, he can teach us what he would teach us through media by other means.
The Bible is a 100% chance to hear God and His Word. Its can be hard to “feel” God or “feel” Him speaking through His Word, but according to Isaiah 55 the Word is not gonna come back void, because it is like precipitation watering our souls (such good imagery, the Bible truly is also a great literary work along with the Truth).
I think that as long as we are learning from the Bible and “letting the Word of Christ dwell in us richly” (Colossians 3:16) we can let God guide us how to go.