TOC (because I will not be able to keep this short):
3. UPAC – BUSINESS CLASSES (ßread this its funny)
1. A normal Monday Wednesday and Friday are like this:
7:00am wake up, read the Bible, shower, eat breakfast (a piece of bread, glass of orange juice, and hot chocolate)
7:50am leave the house for my Ecuador dad’s job, then I walk 20 minutes to my job
8:30am Work at my practicum until lunch
1pm Get picked up by my dad and we go to the house
1:30-2:05pm Eat and when we are done just sit around table and talk
2:15pm Take the bus to work
3:00-5pm Practicum (thank God that I don’t have to work until 6 anymore because of my classes)
5:15pm-6:45, or 8:00 Classes at UPAC Mondays are until 8, W and F are ‘til 6:45
Then we wait for our driver to drive us home. Since I live the farthest away, I am usually last and it takes almost an hour to get home. LAME. But at least I have my Taylor buddies there with me and the van driver is pretty cool
Normal Tuesday Thursday
1:00pm Wake up. Just kidding, but if I wanted to I could. Its nice to have time to relax.
8:00am Get up, shower, eat, read, do homework
1:30pm Eat lunch with my family
2:30pm Leave for Spanish class
3:00pm Spanish class
5:00pm Go from Spanish class to UPAC (only on Thursdays)
Tuesdays have ‘Home Church’ which is like my family’s small group from the church
2. Oh Practicum. So far it has not been good. I have realized that my attitude and how hard I work can make it better even if I don’t particularly enjoy what I am doing. I like the people I work with but I feel like I don’t have that much work to do on a regular basis. Luckily right now I have my Practicum paper to work on which includes a report on the company so I have been working on that and seeing how the company functions. I realized that I need to pray more about it that I would understand what I’m doing and work my hardest because sometimes it’s hard to be motivated when I feel like I don’t really accomplish anything for the company, especially when the Cubs are in the playoffs and I have internet at work and not at home. I am going to pretend like I have a fresh start and do my best because as it says in Colossians 3:23-4¨"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."
3. UPAC (Universidad Panamerica de Cuenca)
I am studying at one of the more expensive Universities in Cuenca. Because of this there are ‘rich kids’ in it and kids that like to complain a lot. The first class I had was unbelievable, everybody was complaining about not wanting to do homework and how the teachers tests are too hard and blah blah blah. It felt like 6th grade all over again. Instead of having to buy books, since there are no copyright laws in Ecuador, we pick one person from the class to take the class book to a copier and they copy the entire book—sometimes hundreds and hundreds of pages—and put it in a spiral bound book. It’s incredible! Instead of dropping sometimes $100 for a real book, we get photocopied books for $5.00. If you guys really know me you know that I love a good deal (or you just call me a cheapskate) which means this book thing is awesome.
My Marketing class has an American teacher that lets his students use their notes and books for the tests and quizzes. Pencil that one in as a blow off. We are also allowed to skip 25% of the classes, but then we might miss pop quizzes. Skip class for once in a life time opportunity to go somewhere awesome in South America? I think so (don’t worry mom we are not going to skip much just a couple).
My International Business class will be tougher with 3 ten page papers due! Luckily they are group projects, and maybe since the Taylor students are the best English speakers, our job can be mostly editing and English stuff, not research stuff. I expect to learn a substantial amount in this one.
We stayed at La Casa del Suizo (lacasadelsuizo.com for pics) for 5 days and 4 nights. It is on the Napo river in the upper portion of the Ecuadorian jungle. We had a few different tour type things a day ranging from hiking through the jungle, visiting an animal rescue place, visiting a butterfly house, rafting Huck Finn style down the Napo river with nothing but the life jackets on our backs (and swimsuits of course), tubing down various rivers, eating a few different varieties of ants and other stuff. During free time we usually chilled by the pool and played with the sweet parrot that they had there. The parrot actually ripped a button off my watch. I didn’t think that was a big deal until I was tubing in the river and realized that some water got in my watch through a hole that the parrot made. Cool parrot, break my watch. Good thing I got the watch for free. I thought we would see a little more wildlife, but we did see monkeys in the wild which has always been a dream of mine.
My one complaint about that trip was the ride there and back. Imagine 6 people in a minivan all night for 10 hours. And then imagine the whole way being the bumpiest ride you could imagine. We had a DVD player and screen but after watching a movie we all felt sick to our stomachs. But hey sometimes you gotta sacrifice for the jungle, just ask Mowgli.
5. So the Cubs are in the playoffs and I cant watch them most of the time unless I go to a sports bar. Shoot. It was fun explaining to my Ecuadorian dad that they haven´t won a championship in 99 years. And now they’re 0-2
One thing that I have learned here is that having a positive attitude no matter the circumstances is very important. Having a bad attitude can ruin a day and make it so much worse than it is. Also having a bad attitude about something you really haven’t prayed much for is worthless. I need to pray more.
7. Address for those who want it:
Kevin Halloran
Verbo Iglesia
Av. 10 de Agosto 1-196 y Lorenzo Piedra
Cuenca, Ecuador
To come to Ecuador, it costs the same amount as a regular semester at Taylor. Some things that are included: sweet cross cultural experience, plane tix to Ecuador, trips to the Amazon jungle and Galapagos Islands on Taylor’s tab, staying with a sweet family, getting $50!!!! a month for transportation (I use on average $.50 a day…).
Love you guys and hope you´re doing swell
3. UPAC – BUSINESS CLASSES (ßread this its funny)
1. A normal Monday Wednesday and Friday are like this:
7:00am wake up, read the Bible, shower, eat breakfast (a piece of bread, glass of orange juice, and hot chocolate)
7:50am leave the house for my Ecuador dad’s job, then I walk 20 minutes to my job
8:30am Work at my practicum until lunch
1pm Get picked up by my dad and we go to the house
1:30-2:05pm Eat and when we are done just sit around table and talk
2:15pm Take the bus to work
3:00-5pm Practicum (thank God that I don’t have to work until 6 anymore because of my classes)
5:15pm-6:45, or 8:00 Classes at UPAC Mondays are until 8, W and F are ‘til 6:45
Then we wait for our driver to drive us home. Since I live the farthest away, I am usually last and it takes almost an hour to get home. LAME. But at least I have my Taylor buddies there with me and the van driver is pretty cool
Normal Tuesday Thursday
1:00pm Wake up. Just kidding, but if I wanted to I could. Its nice to have time to relax.
8:00am Get up, shower, eat, read, do homework
1:30pm Eat lunch with my family
2:30pm Leave for Spanish class
3:00pm Spanish class
5:00pm Go from Spanish class to UPAC (only on Thursdays)
Tuesdays have ‘Home Church’ which is like my family’s small group from the church
2. Oh Practicum. So far it has not been good. I have realized that my attitude and how hard I work can make it better even if I don’t particularly enjoy what I am doing. I like the people I work with but I feel like I don’t have that much work to do on a regular basis. Luckily right now I have my Practicum paper to work on which includes a report on the company so I have been working on that and seeing how the company functions. I realized that I need to pray more about it that I would understand what I’m doing and work my hardest because sometimes it’s hard to be motivated when I feel like I don’t really accomplish anything for the company, especially when the Cubs are in the playoffs and I have internet at work and not at home. I am going to pretend like I have a fresh start and do my best because as it says in Colossians 3:23-4¨"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."
3. UPAC (Universidad Panamerica de Cuenca)
I am studying at one of the more expensive Universities in Cuenca. Because of this there are ‘rich kids’ in it and kids that like to complain a lot. The first class I had was unbelievable, everybody was complaining about not wanting to do homework and how the teachers tests are too hard and blah blah blah. It felt like 6th grade all over again. Instead of having to buy books, since there are no copyright laws in Ecuador, we pick one person from the class to take the class book to a copier and they copy the entire book—sometimes hundreds and hundreds of pages—and put it in a spiral bound book. It’s incredible! Instead of dropping sometimes $100 for a real book, we get photocopied books for $5.00. If you guys really know me you know that I love a good deal (or you just call me a cheapskate) which means this book thing is awesome.
My Marketing class has an American teacher that lets his students use their notes and books for the tests and quizzes. Pencil that one in as a blow off. We are also allowed to skip 25% of the classes, but then we might miss pop quizzes. Skip class for once in a life time opportunity to go somewhere awesome in South America? I think so (don’t worry mom we are not going to skip much just a couple).
My International Business class will be tougher with 3 ten page papers due! Luckily they are group projects, and maybe since the Taylor students are the best English speakers, our job can be mostly editing and English stuff, not research stuff. I expect to learn a substantial amount in this one.
We stayed at La Casa del Suizo (lacasadelsuizo.com for pics) for 5 days and 4 nights. It is on the Napo river in the upper portion of the Ecuadorian jungle. We had a few different tour type things a day ranging from hiking through the jungle, visiting an animal rescue place, visiting a butterfly house, rafting Huck Finn style down the Napo river with nothing but the life jackets on our backs (and swimsuits of course), tubing down various rivers, eating a few different varieties of ants and other stuff. During free time we usually chilled by the pool and played with the sweet parrot that they had there. The parrot actually ripped a button off my watch. I didn’t think that was a big deal until I was tubing in the river and realized that some water got in my watch through a hole that the parrot made. Cool parrot, break my watch. Good thing I got the watch for free. I thought we would see a little more wildlife, but we did see monkeys in the wild which has always been a dream of mine.
My one complaint about that trip was the ride there and back. Imagine 6 people in a minivan all night for 10 hours. And then imagine the whole way being the bumpiest ride you could imagine. We had a DVD player and screen but after watching a movie we all felt sick to our stomachs. But hey sometimes you gotta sacrifice for the jungle, just ask Mowgli.
5. So the Cubs are in the playoffs and I cant watch them most of the time unless I go to a sports bar. Shoot. It was fun explaining to my Ecuadorian dad that they haven´t won a championship in 99 years. And now they’re 0-2
One thing that I have learned here is that having a positive attitude no matter the circumstances is very important. Having a bad attitude can ruin a day and make it so much worse than it is. Also having a bad attitude about something you really haven’t prayed much for is worthless. I need to pray more.
7. Address for those who want it:
Kevin Halloran
Verbo Iglesia
Av. 10 de Agosto 1-196 y Lorenzo Piedra
Cuenca, Ecuador
To come to Ecuador, it costs the same amount as a regular semester at Taylor. Some things that are included: sweet cross cultural experience, plane tix to Ecuador, trips to the Amazon jungle and Galapagos Islands on Taylor’s tab, staying with a sweet family, getting $50!!!! a month for transportation (I use on average $.50 a day…).
Love you guys and hope you´re doing swell
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