2 Strange food habits
3 Funny Stuff
4 Thoughts
5 New Album
For a few days this week, my family did not have any water. That stunk. No pun intended. I hope you enjoy this picture, the spider was in my house parading around.
1 Planning Home Church
So my brother, Jacob, Diego (Jacob’s brother), and myself had to plan a home church (small group type thing with 20 or so people) this week. I actually didn’t have to, but I felt like it would be a good time to get to know my bro and have some fellowship together so I jumped at the opportunity. I also have been wanting to be an encouragement in the faith of my family (not that they really need it or anything, but faith can always be strengthened), so I saw this opportunity as answered prayer. We really had no idea what to do. I had a document on my comp with 6 or 7 scripture references to God’s Will (which everybody wants to know), and I volunteered that and we were off.
So I translated it into Spanish and we decided to have the game to start be a little acting out of what people think God’s Will is for them. I was planning on having them act out the verses, but I think my brother thought something different, which is OK. I think it would be better to enforce a biblical truth into people’s lives instead of what they already think (which could be wrong). After we did our little skits, we sat around and talked about “El Voluntad de Dios” as it is in Spanish and read the verses and shared our thoughts. I know it was a fruitful time because “God’s word will not return void” according to Isaiah 55.
In the end I was very satisfied with the opportunity God gave me to work with my brother and be a godly influence in his life and have the opportunity to bless others too.
2 Strange food Habits
Things that either bother me or are just weird that deal with food:
a. Mayonnaise is very popular to eat with French fries. They also LOAD burgers up with mayonnaise. And no mayonnaise is not an instrument
b. Ketchup is eaten on everything. You say, “It’s the same in the US too.” Do people in the US put ketchup on spaghetti? On pizza? Yeah….
c. I don’t think that Ecuador has any drinking fountains in the whole country. And at restaurants they don’t give out water for free!!! For someone like me who is
i. A cheapskate
ii. Someone who drinks a lot of water
iii. Someone who doesn’t like soda of any kind,
This poses a problem. Paying for something that I feel is my right to have for free is a problem. But at least there is KFC here.
3 Funny Stuff
My family here is fairly goofy like my family back home which is great (I fit in). I let my brother listen to some of my music and let him have whatever he wants (there are no copyright laws here so you RIAA people shut it). He took a bunch and I gave him some of my favourite CDs (but forgot to give him Beyond Belief by Petra, what was I thinking?).
He and my entire family are in love with the Beach Boys song “Surfin’ USA” and we always sing the line “A bushy bushy blonde hairdo” and it is funny. They also love the song “Pretty Woman”, how could you not.
Today if I wasnt paying attention I probably would have been hit by a truck, and a motorcycle. Both of which would have hit me while they were driving on the sidewalk.
4 Thoughts:
Live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:2
Also God is teaching me a ton here in Ecuador. He is teaching me a ton by being in another culture, but he is also teaching me a ton since I am trying to read the Bible a ton and grow from it.
5 Album 4
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