1. Solid Foundation economically, theologically, and socially. Acton makes new conference goers participate in foundational courses to ensure they are on the same page for the more advanced lectures. I found each of the ones I went to (including one on Christian Anthropology, Limited Government, Economics, and one on a Free and Virtuous Society) really helped refresh people with foundational truths key to the Judeo-Christian worldview.
2. Meet a wide variety of people. My roommate is from France, and one morning I had breakfast with people from six different countries. It is also to step outside of my normal life of evangelicalism to dialogue with Catholics, members of the Orthodox church and others.
3. Strong social focus. This morning I had a lecture called "Market Economics and the Family" and had "Fatherhood, Work, and Economics" explain to me the key role having a father plays in economics and the lives of children. I will surely write blog posts about each of these individually....so that's why I'm not going further here :).
4. Great courses to choose from. Some of not mentioned courses include "Poverty in the Developing World" and "Breaking Dependency" that talked about how foreign aid can be a detriment to the development process. For an internationally minded person, this is cool!
5. Great scholarships for seminary students. I could not go without the generous donation of a major company that sees the benefit of aiding evangelical students come to this conference. Thanks!
I plan to blog more about Acton but it will most likely be at The Young Evangelical which is currently under construction. Check back for more information in the near future.